Transport between France and Spain – Tranimex

Transport between France and Spain

Transport between France and Spain

Since our foundation in Tranimex we have specialized in transport between France and Spain in both directions, thanks to an extensive network of collaborators we cover the entire French and Spanish territory, in addition to the rest of the countries of the peninsula (Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar), using our logistics base in Barcelona to centralize the flow of shipments between both countries.

Our specialization allows us to offer in French and Spanish territory deliveries and pick-ups by appointment, ADR merchandise transport, with some time transits adjusted to each client.

That is why our clients do not hesitate to trust us as their specialists and their suppliers in the logistics services of said territory.

Types of services

Conventional service

Conventional groupage and fractional cargo service provides economy, agility and solvency to the exchange of goods with its suppliers and customers.

Full load

The service that best suits the needs and requirements in transport, from the reception of the loading instructions to the unloading of the goods

Groupaje paletería

This service provides greater output frequency and transit times more adjusted to the conventional groupage service

Express grouping

the groupage mode service capable of reducing transit times thanks to optimal delivery management.

Dedicated express

It adapts 100% to the demands of the merchandise and the most demanding transit times.

ADR freight service

collection, transport and delivery of any type of merchandise with ADR

High volume and / or tonnage transport

of goods and especially high volume and tonnage machinery.

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